Note: The Kentucky State Police cannot provide legal advice or assistance regarding expungements.
Expungement Certification Process
State law requires a certificate of eligibility be included with a petition for expungement of criminal conviction. Individuals who wish to have their criminal conviction records (charges/cases) expunged must complete the expungement certification process to determine if they are eligible for expungement. An expungement certification is not required to expunge charges/case which were dismissed, or if the person was acquitted, or if felony charges did not result in an indictment.
To learn how to apply for an expungement certification, click the link below:
Felony Expungement
Most Class D felony convictions (with limited exceptions) are eligible for expungement. KRS 431.073 outlines the process for a person to file an application to have his or her conviction vacated and expunged.
To learn how to apply for a felony expungement, click the link below:
Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) that address expungement rules and requirements
KRS 431.079 – Individuals who wish to have their criminal conviction records (charges/cases) expunged must complete the expungement certification process to determine if they are eligible for expungement.
KRS 431.078 – Expungement of misdemeanor, violation and traffic convictions:
KRS 431.076 – Expungement of dismissed charges:
KRS 431.073 – Expungement of Class D felony convictions:
For more information on the expungement process:
To learn how to apply for a felony expungement: