The Kentucky State Police Academy is an intense, 24-week military environment designed to teach our Cadets the job skills necessary to perform the duties of a Trooper. Those selected to attend our Academy will receive more than 1,000 hours of training covering all aspects of law enforcement, including Firearms, Defensive Tactics, Criminal Investigations, Emergency Driving, Strategies and Tactics of Patrol Stops (STOPS), Counter-Ambush, and more.
Our goal is to make Cadets into Troopers. We promise that the time you spend here will be dedicated to your success. We have a specific way we operate. We expect our Cadets to adhere to this principle and recognize everything we do has a purpose. We promise that this will be some of the most difficult training you will experience. The mornings will be early, the nights late, and every minute will be spent toward achieving the very rewarding goal of becoming a Kentucky State Trooper.
Expectations of Cadet Life
Cadets report for training each Sunday while they are assigned to the Academy. Reporting times vary depending on the week’s schedule, but it is typical for an early afternoon return. Cadets live at the Academy 24 hours per day and are dismissed at the end of the week on Friday to return home to their families. Weekend leave is a privilege and is earned each week. Thus, it can be revoked with due cause at any point during the Academy.
Cadets are paid and receive benefits during the Academy. All equipment and agency clothing are issued. Meals and living arrangements while assigned to the Academy are provided by KSP. Minimal expense to the Cadet is required prior to beginning your career.
The Academy is also responsible for in-service training for all sworn ranks of our agency. When Cadets are not here, the remaining months are spent keeping our ranks prepared for the evolving career in law enforcement. Annually, sworn Kentucky law enforcement personnel are required to attend at least 40-hours of training. The KSP Academy serves this need by offering advanced training in a multitude of subjects. Career development is paramount to the success of our agency, and the Academy is prepared for this challenge.
Many job opportunities await you after graduation. The career of a Kentucky State Trooper can be as exciting and as fulfilling as you wish to make it. Being able to wear the uniform and the campaign hat represents something special. Being a Kentucky State Trooper means being held to a higher standard. It represents something greater than yourself. It’s a family. It’s a way of life. We welcome you into our agency and wish you well throughout your career. However, regardless of the path your career takes, it all starts here at the Kentucky State Police Academy.